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Go Pro Profile

Go Pro ! Personalize your Profile link Bio with your name

Go Pro ! Personalize your Profile link Bio with your name

Simple and Easy for you to set up.

Type Your Profile Name (without http:// and www)
and Select the free domain address
You can`t change later !

Give your profile a full name/title
You can change it anytime

Select one of the available profile category:
You can change it later:

Type the desired username to login as admin
Ex. Admin You can change it anytime

Type a valid email address to login as admin
You can change it anytime

(Accept the) the: User Agreement


⮊ Important! 100% FREE Forever

Feel Free to Create a profile to present who you are and what you do in one profile forum community. Easy for your audience to learn about you, simple for you to set up. Go Pro ! Personalize your Profile link Bio with your name ! Addresses can consist of English letters and numbers. Examples: your1name.sayalagi.com, yourcompanyname.sayalagi.com, yourorganization.sayalagi.com. Once the profile is created, the profille address cannot be changed. But, you can use 1 or more of your own custom domains at no cost and it's forever free. Ex: yourname.com. yourcompanyname.com

⮊ How to login?

➫Fill in the database form above correctly
➫The URL name for the propfile is at least 6 characters long
➫Click the Create a Profile button
➫Then the sayalagi`s system will automatically install your free link bio profile which is equipped with a community forum website feature to build your bio link profile page in English interface
➫The Admin`s login password will be sent automatically to your email.
➫After logging in you can change your passwords and profile templates, create unlimited new topic posts, promote your own ads, edit websites, set who can join your profile, and you are free to use many other sayalagi`s free features.
➫Usually between 1 and 20 minutes or check the password on your spam email list
➫You can use your own custom domain and language.

⮊ Authentic and Link Bio Profile Forum Community !

Showcase all of you—from your work to your passions. You can post and build your ‘Profile Sayalagi’ contents with any topics, links. Add your contents by posting topics, links, images, videos, and more. You can only have one link in social media profile. With ‘SAYALAGI’, you can combine all links you offer and want to share with your followers in personalized topic. You and your subscribers/fans can create new topic post or reply topic.

⮊ Color and Highlight Profile

‘Profile Sayalagi’ is customizable with stylish free theme templates or use your own. You can post and highlight the most wanted link to be checked out on top banner with a large image icon. It catches the eyes of followers, subscribers, readers, at glance.

⮊ Schedule Profile

You can post information about upcoming news and events with specific date and time.

⮊ Click Profile

You can set up action button to navigate a quick action. Ideal for inquiry use with email address, phone number or enquiry form etc.

⮊ Gallery Profile

You can display all your images/videos via Post new topic or create a new page.

Example a profile forum


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